Trust, Agency, Responsibility
Empowering Young Voices
Mobile Stories offers a production and publishing tool that educates young people in media and information literacy, and improves their skills as producers in the digital media landscape.
Authentic audience beyond the classroom
Active work with digital source assessment
Real-life journalists give their best tips to students
Simplifies cross-curriculum learning, and collaboration with the school library
Works on all devices
Makes learning more engaging!

of students have developed their skills and competences in media and information literacy through their work with Mobile Stories, according to their teachers.
of teachers state that Mobile Stories contributed to them being able to discuss the credibility of sources more often in the classroom.
of the teachers who used Mobile Stories state that the work was engaging for the students.
Survey includes 1175 students and their teachers
Improve media and information literacy
Understand journalism
Build tomorrow´s democracy
When we started doing this article, I realized how useful and fun journalism is. The best thing was being able to express what we think and to be heard by media.
IbtisamThe students really enjoyed using the platform. They found it user friendly and really enjoyed the structure and how the articles looked when it was finished. I also feel they learnt a huge amount about the different types of articles that they come across online and how to recognise reliable content more easily now.”
John ForrestThe students thought it was fun,especially that it will be a “real” article that they can read. It has also been a good basis for source-critical questions, that become more real when working in the tool.
The students who have come so far as to publish their texts have felt pride in what they have done, something many have not felt in the subject of Swedish before.
Teachers who answered anonymously via surveySwedish as a subject becomes more “real” when they get to see their test article. They grow as individuals and realize that they are capable of much more than they themselves thought.
Teachers who answered anonymously via surveyIt felt good to show that young people and children can also express themselves in a way that adults can.
ZainMobile Stories are a way to introduce source criticism in a more natural way in teaching. It does not become an isolated and crystallized substance activity. That was a new experience for me.
Alisa Selimovic FastPublishing makes the student put in more effort, which raises the quality of what they produce. The focus shifts from getting a certain grade to doing the best you can. Should one publish, it is also not negotiable with sources, copyrights, language, etc. It brings these issues into focus.
Johan SköldBy using Mobile Stories, I learned about how an article is structured. I learned that it is important to have sources and that you have your own pictures, so that you don’t take someone else’s. I thought it was easier to build an article when you had the help of different boxes that you could choose. If there was something I didn’t understand, I used the question mark. There I also found out if there was something missing.
Emmy-LouIt feels fantastic to be able to show my thoughts and what I think about things.
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